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Your pictures are very esoteric, on the surface very beautiful, perfectly composed and at closer view they are transmit a strong emotional message to the viewer. I personally found your "After Life","longing spirit" and your "brushstroke series" breathtaking work.

-Chianciano Art Museum



Mae Jeon’s work has an undertone of personal biography, addressing the issue of self through symbolism to express her own ideology, what results are gripping images rife with human emotion; complex forms and compositions are configured in forms of pure expressionism; at times rhythmic and other times fearlessly exposing the rawest elements of the human emotion.

A wide variety of artistic invention greets viewers of Mae’s work with classic, expressive, and highly stylized images that are almost sculptural in their depth and realism.

-Art Approach LLC



One of our writers commented that "When first looking at Mae Jeon's piece in the NY Arts Magazine Summer issue of 2011 (page 81), the first glance may be on the realistic rose on the bottom of the canvas which then draws your attention to the rest of the canvas: digital shapes of greys and pinks with highlights and shadows to create a dimensional space. Such a contrast shows a fantastic debate between geometry and nature."

-NY Arts Magazine

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